The Dana Survey of Conflict Management Strategies
Uncovering how conflict is managed in your organization
This questionnaire about your personal strategies for conflict management. It yields a set of scores that help to evaluate your own conflict management strategies. The results give you an idea of the areas of conflict management where you may work towards improvement. Thus, the questionnaire may be filled out before and after a conscious effort to change and the difference gives a measure of the success of your attempts.
The Dana Survey for groups is a measure representative of an entire company, department, organization, etc.) and not of an individual.
On the other hand, the questionnaire that you are about to complete here explores your personal attitudes and strategies in dealing with conflict.
Here is the Interpretive Guide which will help you understand the results of this survey as well as the one for companies.
©2015 by Germinal Knowledge, SARL with permission from the Dana Mediation Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Dana Survey of Conflict Strategies was developped by Daniel Dana, Ph.D., Barbara Hillmer, Ph.D., and Kathryn Jones, Ph.D.
In this questionnaire, we do not ask any personal, sensitive information. We also do not store the results anywhere nor divulge them to anyone. The results are for your personel development Thus, if you wish to keep your results, you should copy them from the screen while you have them. Once the browser is closed, the results will be lost and irretrievable. To benefit the most from this questionnaire, be as honest and frank as possible.